Hello friends, You can get the idea about my today's story from the tittle but guys it is much more than this. You all heard about the story of the tortoise and the rabbit most of the time in your childhood. Don't be arrogant about your abilities and work hard and determined to achieve something, is the moral of that tortoise and rabbit story. My today's story is not similar to it but it is all about the over-smartness and greedy behavior because these two could result against us and could make our situation even worse than earlier. So without getting a delay let's start the story and you will find it's moral and lesson by yourself.
Sam and Tom were identical twins. Both the twins were so similar in appearances that it was difficult to even for their mother to distinguish one from the other, at least during their initial days after birth. However, they were very different from each other than their appearance. Sam has no friends, while Tom was a great friendship maker. Sam liked sweets, but Tom loved spicy food and hated sweets. Sam was mummy's pet and Tom was daddy's pet. On one hand, Sam was generous and kind and on the other Tom was greedy and selfish. As Sam and Tom grew up with time, their father wanted to share his assets and fortune equally amongst them. However, Tom didn't agree to this and said that one who proved more intelligent and strong would have the right to get a larger share of the wealth. Sam doesn't show any problem with that and agreed. Their father decided to organize a competition between the two, to satisfy the wish of both the sons. He said to both the sons to walk as long as they could and return home before sunset. The distance covered in the given time would decide the proportion of the wealth and as a rule of the competition, carry a watch was not permitted to keep track of the time.
The next day, Sam and Tom set out to walk for the competition. The day was a rather sunny day. Sam walked slowly and steadily, while Tom walked very fast for winning a greater portion of his father's fortune. Sam with his intelligence and understanding knew that it would be ideal to walk as far as possible till noon and start returning back home as it would take the same amount of time to walk back and he did the same. Knowing this, Sam decided to turn back for home at noon to reach home on time. However, Tom, in his greed to get a larger portion of the wealth, didn't try to return home even after mid-noon. Instead, he walked twice as long as Sam and thought he would still be in the condition to return home before sunset. The sun, started turning orange and Tom hurried to return to saw this, but unfortunately, he could not even make it halfway home as the sun started to set. Gradually, darkness surrounded his path and he had to drag his tired feet back home and unfortunately, he lost the race only because of his greed to attain more wealth.
So guys here the story gets its end and I hope you also get the moral of it. Sometimes it is better to satisfy the things that destiny has given you at a particular time because who knows that it might contain much bigger stuff than it has given you earlier. So its always better not to greed and turn your smartness into over-smartness because it will not only fall you back from the position you have currently but can make your situation even worse than before.