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How to fight with Corona and boost immunity naturally

Hey, Friends, I hope you all are good and safe in these hard times of our nation. As we all know how this pandemic named Corona increasing day by day worldwide and as the number of positive cases of this pandemic increases, our tension and fear also increase with it. Everyone has the same question in their mind that when we got free from this pandemic or when this pandemic goes away and we can live our lives freely and normally as we did before this pandemic. Nobody of us has the answer to this question but we can do one thing, we can fight with it and be safe from this pandemic by maintaining healthy hygiene around us and by maintaining social distancing and many other measures that we all already know but today I will tell you a secret formula that I personally follow to boost immunity so that we can fight with this pandemic and also get rid of many other health problems because when our immunity is stronger no pandemic, no epidemic or no any other disease can affect our health and make us unhealthy and weak.

Guys, the formula that I am going to tell you is very simple and easy to make formula that made up from the spices that we usually use in our homes. So lets start and see how can we make this secret formula to fight with Corna and boost immunity.

#1) Ingredients to make this secret formula

Firstly take 20gms of cardamom, 10gm black pepper, 10gm cloves, 5gm piper retrofractum (Choti pipal), 5gms cinnamon.

#2) Way to use these ingredients

After taking all these ingredients mix these ingredients and make a fine powder of this mixture and with this step your secret formula is ready and you can mix this powder a little in your tea or milk whatever you drink, it adds a special taste also in your drink and boosts immunity naturally too.

Benefits of ingredients that we use to make this secret formula

It is not like this that you can use these ingredients only in the making of this secret powder formula, but instead along with this benefit you can take advantage of these ingredients individually also. I will now tell you the benefits of every ingredient I mentioned above to make a secret healthy powder to fight with corona.

#1) Cardamom

Cardamom contains antioxidant and diuretic properties that help in reducing high blood pressure and maintain it. People with high blood pressure problems can use this ingredient simply by making a fine powder of it and mix it in your tea or milk and you can add this powder in deserts dishes also to enhance its soothing odor and make that health beneficiary too. In just 12 weeks you can see the difference in your high bp but for this, you have to intake this ingredient daily for at least 12 weeks to see the difference. Along with this benefit, it also contains compounds that help in fighting with cancer cells.

#2) Black Pepper

Black pepper also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components. It also helps in improving your blood sugar level. Along with these benefits, it also helps in lower cholesterol levels as the risk of heart diseases increasing day by day, and if your cholesterol level is maintained and low then it helps in reducing the amount of heart disease cases in our nation. It also helps to boost the absorption of nutrients like calcium and selenium.

#3) Clove

Clove also has antioxidant properties and it also helps in fighting with cancer cells. It has antimicrobial properties that can kill bacteria and stop their growth in our body. It also helps in improving liver health. The compound eugenol that presents in it may be especially beneficial for the liver. It also helps in regulating blood sugar levels. It also promotes bone health. It also helps in reducing stomach ulcers.

#4) Piper Retrofractum

It immensely helps in cough, cold and fever and helps in acidity also because it also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant components.


This ingredient is loaded with antioxidant components. Antioxidants protect our body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. It also can be used as a natural food preservative. It also has anti-inflammatory components that help our body to fight with infections and repair tissue damage. It also cuts the risks of heart diseases. It also helps in improving sensitivity to the hormone insulin and helps in fighting cancer cells.

So friends, aren't these ingredients magical and a boon to our health and body. So try to include these ingredients in your day to day life to have the full advantages of them and also try the secret fine powder that I told you above to fight with this pandemic corona and stay safe and healthy at your home.

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