Hello friends, you all have heard about Amazon affiliate or Amazon associate marketing. Guys, you know that the Amazon affiliate program is India's most respectful affiliate program. You can work with Amazon as a business associate through this program. The joining is 100% free and secure, and Amazon is a very big e-commerce company all over India so working with a company like Amazon is now easy for everyone through its different program facilities. Today here I will tell you about its affiliate program that how can you join this program free of cost and make yourself an Amazon business associate in a couple of minutes and earn online.
#1) Find a link to sign-in as Amazon's business associate
At very first open the Amazon's official e-commerce site amazon.in in your laptop's browser or your phone's browser. After opening the site scroll at the bottom towards the footer menu of this site there you will see a link texted as Become an affiliate and click on it. If you don't have a laptop or pc then you can open this site in your smartphone's browser and convert the site's interface as a desktop site by clicking on the three-dot menu of your phone's browser and right after this process scroll down towards the footer menu and you will find Become an affiliate link there.
#2) Signup at Amazon associate interface
After the above-mentioned step, you will see the amazon associate site interface and there click on Join for free button and create your amazon account or if you already a member of it then you can simply log in. After signing up and log in step, you have to create your Amazon associate business account and fill all the necessary details asked there in the creating account form. After filling this first form, your next step is to provide your business website details upon which you display amazon's products to sell. If you have your business website then you can enter its URL into the website's URL input link or if you don't have one then you can simply provide your Facebook profile's URL as an input to this required field, you can add multiple URL's of your business sites or if you have multiple Facebook profiles then you can add them too. After this step, a new form opens in front of you that demands an amazon store id very first, and you can enter your self made store id like simr1234 like this.
If you are using your Facebook profile's URL in this form then you can simply write in the next demanded input that this is my Facebook profile URL and after it, the form asks you that for what purpose you made this above Facebook account then in it simply select the social media site option from the given list of options in the dropdown menu. Then next you can check to mark the product options that you will display on your Facebook account or on your business site to sell. Like these questions, many other questions are being asked by amazon's entry form so complete these questions carefully and provide the full information to create an Amazon's affiliate business account. After having filled this form successfully you have to provide your payment details, like your saving bank account details to receive payments of if you don't have the details right now then you can press the later button and can start selling amazon's products so that your payments add up to your amazon's account and then you can withdraw from it later by providing your payment details.
#3) Start selling products
After the registration step, you can see your amazon's affiliate business account's dashboard where you have all the details analytic of your selling products and profits. Now you can select the items you want to sell and earn profit by them. After selecting an item, click on the Get link option from the header menu to get that selected item's link that you will display on your site or Facebook profile to sell and copy the link of that item from there and share it on your Facebook's profile by making a post containing that copied link and post it on your timeline and you can share this post in Facebook groups also to maximize your earning and you can paste this link on your website also to attract your site's visitors to see this product and purchase.
#4) Another sharing platform
Along with Facebook and your business site, you can also share your selling item to WhatsApp social groups so that your item can get more audience and more people can buy it. For this, you can download WhatsApp social group apps from Google's play store. Each app contains thousand of groups and you can share your item's link to each group using one app or you can download multiple as many as you want and can share your selected item's link to these groups and maximize your sale and earn more and more online. You can have 12% of the total amount of your product, that you sell. You will earn 12% of share on each amazon's product you sell.
So friends, what are you waiting for don't miss this excellent opportunity of becoming an Amazon's business associate and start earning online.