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Beauty benefits of icecubes in summer

Hello friends, We got annoyed sometimes by thinking that the summer season has come and now we have to become more careful and precautious in this summertime with our skin. The summer season has come along many things with it, but it brings many skin problems like skin irritation, itchiness, pimples, skin tanning, and many other skin allergic issues also. So we have to become more protective of our skin this summer season, to get unaffected with all these skin issues in the summertime. So friends, here today I will tell you some skin benefits by using ice cubes on for our face. Icecubes are not only meant to get cooled the water or some other drinks but it also has some other benefits mostly related to our skin. So read these benefits of ice cubes one by one.

#1) Normal Water Ice Cubes

Normal water icecubes can give your skin instant cool relief and a magical glow also. For this, you have to follow that before applying any kind of cream, lotion, moisturizer and makeup you need to do one thing and that is you have to take an ice cube and rub it on your skin gently. A normal water IceCube, heal your skin internally and prevent your skin from all kind of skin irritation and also helps in reducing acne pimples. Along with these benefits it also tightens your open skin pores and prevents your skin from blackheads and whiteheads by doing this.

#2) Potato Ice Cubes

Although potato is a vegetable and used in cooking it also works as a natural cleanser for the skin. It repairs the skin deeply and leaves a natural spot-free look on our face or skin if used in a mannered way and to make this potato beneficial for your skin first peel it off and cut in two halves. After this step takes some pomegranate seed and puts these two things into the mixer grinder with some amount of water. After this step adds the juice of a half lemon into this mixture and mix well and now after all these steps make ice cubes of this mixture by pouring it into an ice tray and freeze. Now, with this your potato ice cubes are ready to apply on the skin. You can rub these ice cubes on your skin gently before applying any cream or beauty products. It helps in lighten your dark spots and dark tanned area of your skin when you rub these ice cubes on the affected surface of your skin. It also helps in removing wrinkles and can improve your skin tone naturally from dark to glowing, fair skin.

#3) Cucumber Ice Cubes

Cucumber has many health benefits but along with this it also proves itself magical for our skin health and care. It evens the skin tone and reduces eye puffiness. It also very helpful in skin tanning treatment and brightens skin color. Helpful in removing under eye dark spots or dark circles. For all these skin benefits of cucumber you just have to follow a very simple and easy process. First, take a cucumber, peel it off and wash and then cut it into equal halves and put it into the mixer blender with some water. Then after blending it well, put this mixture into a small bowl and add some 2-3 tbsp of rose water and a half lemon juice. Now mix this mixture well and with this, freeze this mixture by putting it into an ice tray and make ice cubes. Now, your cumber icecubes are ready to apply on your skin and give your skin a new, glowing look.

So friends, aren't these are some magical and instant glowing methods of the skin by using simple icecubes that cools down our skin and also give an instant kind of relaxation along with the beauty benefits. I recommend you to try it all in this lockdown and summer season and have an instant and natural glow without the need of going to the parlor for facial and make a time-consuming face mask for glow and other benefits and all these icecubes work same on the skin of women as well as men. So people of any gender can try these ice cubes on their skin and groom their personality at their home and instantly

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