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Things are not always the same as they look

We all are habitual of assuming only what we want to assume without knowing another person's perspective and judge them only from the basis of our assumptions. Do we ever tried to ask them once about the things on which we are making assumptions and judge their character?? This happens to human beings generally as they think then overthink and overthink without feeling the need of asking the person with which they have issues on different matters. We forget at times that everything has two aspects we can't judge someone on the basis of only one. So my today's story is based on this fact, read it till the end, I am sure you will definitely start seeing things differently from now.

One night a woman was waiting at the airport for very long hours before her flight. She looked out for a book in the airport shop, bought a bag of cookies, and find a place to sit. She was very busy with her book but happened to see that a man just beside her, grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between, which she tried to ignore at once to avoid a scene. Then suddenly when she looked out at the cookie bag again after some time she found that very few cookies were left there in the bag. She got more irritated at this and thinking "If I wasn't so nice I'd blacken his eye".

When she took a cookie he took one too and when only one was left she wondered what he'd do. The man took the last left cookie with a smile and broke it in half. The man offered half cookie to the women and she snatched it from him irritatingly. She had never ever known in her life when she had been so galled and sighed with relief when her flight for which she was waiting for was called. She picked her luggage and moved ahead towards the gate, without looking back at the thieving ingrate.

She boarded the plane and took her seat then sought her book which was almost complete. As she reached her baggage she gasped with surprise. She found that her bag of cookies was in front of her eyes. She thought that if her bag is here in front of her eyes then the bag from which she enjoyed the cookies belonged to the man who was sitting beside her and he was just trying to share the cookies with her. Too late to apologize, she realized with grief that she was the rude one, the ingrate, the thief was so gentle.

So here the story ends and now I hope you all decided not to overthink or be quick to decide something about others without analyzing the things multiple times.

Moral:- We are often quick to jump to assumptions, but it is best not to let our assumptions blind us from the truth. We must learn to view things from other people's perspectives because we're not always right!!

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